It isn't everyday we see Community Leaders in pictured in jail, but Councilwoman Marsha Goodman-Hinnershitz , Cheryl Okafor of M.A.L.I and many other upstanding business people in Berks County were rounded up over the last three days for the crime of caring. In all, over a hundred members in our community were arrested at thier jobs and taken to jail at The Works in West Reading. Cleryl and others desperately called thier friends to bail them out.
So why were these poor people put in jail? The truth is these folks were helping to raise money for a good cause. All the money donated for bail went to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This is an amusing, but effective progam which began about in the early 1970's and is replicated throughout the Country. People can secretly volunteer individuals to be arrested. The arrestees are notified of thier pending doom weeks prior to the actual arrest. On the day of thier incarceration, these individuals are presented with a warrant and poached from thier places of employment. They are then escorted via limousine to The Works where they are photographed behind bars. I was told these folks were only given bread and water when they arrived at The Works. The truth is The Works provided everyone involved in this endeavor with a bounty of food. Everyone had a good time and the Muscular Dystrophy Association raised an enormous amount of money. What a wonderful idea! Thank you Marsha, Cheryl, and eveyone for taking time out of your busy day to go above and beyond the call of duty to help others in need.
Kristen Brown served as judge for this event.
If you would like more information about this project, would like to have someone arrested, or would like to contribute please contact MDA at # 610-391-1977
dosen't marcia look good in stripes
Can some PLEASE tell me how to get ahold of Cheryl's children! I watched them for many years when they were younder and I just want to be there for them. Give them a familiar face to count on!!! PLEASE ANYONE!!!!!
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