Sunday, June 15, 2008

M.A.L.I Feeds the Neighborhood

Group of concerned teens from the Multicultural And Litercy Institute organized a food drive to feed disadvantaged members of thier local neighborhood. M.A.L.I. teens find great value in being active members in the community and bringing smiles to the faces of many.
This organization instills rites of passage in teen groups as a tool for reaffirming cultures, gaining self-knowledge, confidence-building, learning responsibility and teemwork. The journey of life is examined and exposed for its self-fufillment needs. The institute is designed for both peer and adult mentoring. In addition this organization has its own show on BCTV and offers many fun events such as bowling and dances to its members.
For more information or to get involved contact Cheryl Okofor at # 610-374-4088 or

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