Berks Unity Solution in no way endorses political agendas, but we do give credence to sincere efforts to bring this community together.
On Monday, August 17th Commissioner Christian Y. Leinbach treated community members to a free showing of the great western classic, “Shane” at the Kutztown Strand Theater.
What makes this a monumental occasion is that there were no strings attached. Commissioner Leinbach rented the theater for the sole purpose of providing a fun community event to enjoy with a Berks County Commissioner.
This was neither a fund-raiser nor a political event. There was no media or cameras, just folks from the community enjoying one of Commissioner Leinbach’s favorite movies.
Paul Angstadt, owner of the Kutztown Strand opened the theater on a day when the theater is regularly closed. Mr. Angstadt said, “It was his pleasure.” He and Commissioner Leinbach had been friends for years. Mr. Angstadt also opens the theater for the mayor of Kutztown on occasion.
Commissioner Leinbach said he will rent the theater again sometime in December for another free community movie. The date and time will be posted on the Berks Unity Solution Calendar of Events.
If you would like to know more about events with Commissioner Leinbach, please visit the "UpComing Events" section of the following website:
For more information about movies and events being held at the Kutztown Strand, please visit: